How to care for a closed Terrarium
Entering the world of terrariums can be a fascinating journey filled with creativity and natural wonder. Read on to find out more!
What is a
Closed Terrarium
A Closed Terrarium is a container that creates a miniature ecosystem where plants, animals, and the environment interact to maintain a balanced ecosystem.
How to care
Conditions vary from individual husbandry and environmental factors (ambient humidity and temperature).
To maintain proper moisture and humidity levels in your terrarium:
Observation: Check for condensation at the soil level. If there is minimal condensation, it's time to water.
Watering: Add water until the soil is moist but not waterlogged. Aim for light condensation on the tank walls after the light has been on for 2-3 hours.
Drainage: It's acceptable for up to half of the drainage layer to be filled with water. This ensures there's enough moisture without risking waterlogging the soil.
Important pointer:
Wipe the inside of the glass with a paper towel when there is excess condensation to reduce the moisture level.
The light source is critical for the success of a terrarium, as plants rely on it for photosynthesis and growth. Here are some key considerations:
Duration: Provide 8 to 10 hours of lighting per day.
Source: We recommend a timer controlled grow-light or a spot with bright indirect sunlight.
Maintaining an optimal temperature below 30 degrees Celsius is crucial for the health of plants and animals in closed terrariums.
Avoid Direct Sunlight: Place the terrarium in an area where it won't be exposed to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause temperatures inside the terrarium to rise significantly, exceeding the optimal range for most terrarium plants and animals.
Use a Lid with Ventilation Holes: Cover the terrarium with a lid that has ventilation holes. This lid helps to regulate temperature by allowing for air circulation while preventing excessive heat buildup.
Ventilate the Area Well: Ensure that the room or area where the terrarium is located is well-ventilated.
Ensuring adequate gaseous exchange is essential for the health of plants and animals in a closed terrarium.
Lid with Ventilation Holes: Use a lid with ventilation holes to allow for gaseous exchange within the terrarium.
Airing Out: Alternatively, air out the terrarium for 30 minutes by removing the lid, 2-3 times a week.
Airing Out After Watering: After watering the terrarium, allow it to air out for at least 30 minutes for the excess water to evaporate.
Keep Leaves Dry: Ensure that the leaves of plants in the terrarium remain dry most of the time between watering, allowing plants to transpire properly.