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A workshop suitable for beginners and all age groups to learn about functions of different materials like soil, charcoal and lava rocks.


Participants get to design and construct a personalized terrarium while learning about how the ecosystem works in an enclosure.


Additionally, you also learn about the upkeep of the terrarium.


*For any preferred date/timing for the workshop please contact us directly to check on availability


Scroll down for contact to Whatsapp or Instagram via icons.

Terrarium Workshop

SKU: WS0011
  • Duration: 50 - 60 minutes 

    Minimum pax: 4 (4 - 6)


    - Glass Jar (13.6cm (D) x 15.6cm (H))

    - Moss 

    - Substrate layers 

    - Hardscape 

  • CCS Studio 

    45 Senang Cres



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